

You aren't that good any more. And everyone else has moved on. Your teammates aren't as good as they used to be. Save yourself whatever dignity you have left and just retire, please.

Watching you play is like watching a three-legged dog trying to keep up at the dog park. Or watching those birds at the zoo with their wings clipped trying to fly. It's just sad.



I think the mint industry should sue the toothpaste industry for giving everyone mint burnout. Toothpaste should come in flavors of things that aren't that good for us but that we like to eat. Imagine what a better place this world would be with lard or taco-bell flavored toothpaste.

Biden for Prez!

Maybe when Biden get's elected president he'll name Mel Gibson as our official diplomatic ambassador to Israel.

That's disgusting!

Sarah Silverman is dating Jimmy Kimmel? What? And has been for 4 1/2 years? What? What a waste?

I would expect Jimmy Kimmel to date either a) some sort of walrus, b) Anna Nicole, c) Elvis' daughter, or d) some ditzy, blond arm candy.


Artists: Just say, "No!" to your own mediocrity!

The Shins are boring. They got on Saturday Night Live a few weeks ago and made me fall asleep. They should not claim to be all artistic and that their music is all good and stuff when, in reality, it is boring.

Also the way they dress makes me want to beat them up and take all of their lunch money.

Fallon sucks!

Garmin's got a superbowl ad, put together by Fallon, the super-agency.  The ad is completely void of originality.

Read about Garmin's ad here: http://garmin.blogs.com/ 

Now look at this:

I have a real problem with the lack of originality here. This is a shame. Garmin is a great company that's totally been played by a lazy, unoriginal agency.  Garmin's forking over a small fortune for a spot to run during the Super Bowl, and sadly it's going to come off as a lame attempt at achieving the same level of "cool" as this Pepto Bismol commercial.

Fallon sucks.

Note: Jimmy Fallon is still cool


The homeless

Sometimes I feel bad when homeless bums come up to me and say, "Hey man, I'm 
just trying to get some bus fare," and I cut them off and say, "I don't have any cash." 

Homeless bums should adapt to the times and accept my Visa Check Card.  Then I would certainly pay their bus fare so that they would get out of here.

Sometimes when I'm in the car and I catch a red light right at a homeless bum intersection I feel bad that I don't have cash to give.  At these times, I usually dig around in my car until I find something to give the homeless bum.  Typically I give them something from my lunch.  Something that my wife snuck in there that I don't even really want that much, like fruit or rice cakes or anheuser busch products.

I hope homeless bums like that stuff.