
Job Hoppers

Sure, people my age don't stick at one job the way people would 20 years ago, but why is it?  Is it because we loose our interest?  Our ambition?  Our drive?

No, we leave for greener pasteurs.  The problem isn't that today's young workforce isn't comprised of good workers, the problem is that yesterday's workforce doesn't work to retain us.  

Wanna keep us around longer?  Here's what you need to do:
1) Challenge us.  Don't just keep us busy, challenge us with rewarding tasks.
2) Manage us.  Don't micro manage us, just manage us, keep us pointed in the right direction.
3) Pay us well, and keep paying us well.

We're not third rate employees, we're first rate.  We've been better educated, we're more ambitious, and if you take care of us we'll be far more loyal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Touched by your post.

I think seasoned people should be given much respect and can contribute a lot on the planning level rather than day to day execution stuff.

Just my opinion.